A Never Married Single Woman has to start her earning years with the INTENTION of having a HOT Money Relationship and becoming wealthy on purpose pronto.

You’re going to start off UNDERPAID. Corporate America has guaranteed it. You have to PUT YOURSELF FIRST by:
-Developing Negotiation Skills when getting a job offer so that you can confidently ASK for MORE.
-Having a plan for making up your salary shortfall from the beginning of your career: Will you need to develop a side-business? Will you make investments where you get quarterly interest? What will be your HOT Money Plan?

Statistics show that most Single Women will eventually end up being a full time Care Giver to a family member. Wealth building is crucial so that if you have to take on this role, you can do it in financial ease and comfort. That’s why having a HOT Money Relationship sooner rather than later is the best way of PUTTING YOURSELF FIRST in your Money Life.

Start by taking the HOT MONEY QUIZ today!