Take the HOT Money Quiz Now!

Give Your Finances a Fresh Start...

Take the HOT Money Quiz!

Did you know that there’s a Silent Partner in all your relationships? It’s true. That Silent Partner is your Money. And, it’s often the unrecognized presence in all your other relationships whether that means with yourself, with a significant other, or with other family members.

Money is a live, luscious, dynamic, sexy, strong, sparkling energy….and knowing it more intimately can only grow your prosperity.

Having a HOT Money Relationship ups your game, because your Money is the one partner who’s always going to be joined to you at the hip for life. If you show your Money the Love, it will love you back!

There are 8 Money Archetypes and 12 Money Personalities that are either helping you or stopping you from becoming a “Bad Ass Bag Lady”. Knowing yours will support you in attracting and keeping a “HOT Money Relationship”!

Discover more ways to…


Eliminate Debt



Earn More Money



Stash More Cash!


YOU Can Have a HOT Money Relationship!


Romance Your Dough: Your Money, Your Heart’s Desires, and YOU

6 Week Group Course to Up Your Money Confidence

The relationship you have with Yourself is often the same one you have with your Money. Generously showing yourself oodles of loving Self-Care, Compassion, and Love are the secret sauce that awakens your capacity to welcome, gather, and embrace all the goodies that Money has to offer your life.

3 Day Bad-A$$ Bag Lady Days: Money, Love, & Laughter Event

3 Days Live & Virtual

A fun, feminine take on Money, our Relationship to it, and how we experience it.

HOT Money Session

60-Minute Coaching Call with Connie

A HOT Money Session with Connie allows you to talk, rant, reflect, and mind-dump through it while you take a well-deserved “breather” from your “stuff” with someone who has caring heart and ear, encouraging words, and a warm sense of humor. – BOOK a Hot Money Session today.

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Meet Connie

Connie Sands
Founder of HOT Money Relationship LLC!

As the Founder and Creator of HOT Money Relationship LLC, Connie Sands mentors women to radically transform their limiting beliefs around money so they can have a “Hot Money Relationship” that sets them up for a truly enriching and abundant life. With a corporate career spanning 40 years across technology, staffing and non-profit, Connie successfully used her managerial position to inspire, motivate and lead people.

As the first of six siblings born to a Mexican-American family trying to make ends meet, she had to endure a tumultuous relationship with money. In the later years, having faced several financial adversities, Connie discovered that the key to financial success was in shifting the negative emotions around it. This sparked her mission to awaken women to an exciting and fulfilling relationship with money.

Connie also holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Relations & Organizational Behavior from the University of San Francisco. In addition to being fluent in Spanish, she has a good ear for  Italian and Portuguese. Connie has given her heart to causes supporting women and children. She currently resides in San Diego, California.