Grab our Wee Books

Your Money Myths

What your Mom believed about Money is a Big Deal. Her Money modeling imprinted on you. What your Dad believed about Money is a Big Deal. His Money modeling imprinted on you, too. Were they in Money Conflict or Money Harmony? You carry their story along with your own.

Your Money experiences as you grew up from toddler into adulthood shaped your Money beliefs, attitudes, and present day Money Actions. Whether or not you have squeamish or sweet Money emotions, what you believe about Money is a big deal. Your Money Myths form your Money Story…..It’s all about YOU.

This Wee-Book will help you create a Money Story you own with pride…where you show yourself how awesome, gutsy, and Money savvy you truly are. Fasten your seatbelt and get ready for an exciting ride!

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Your Feminine Power

Although society pokes fun at us women for being “emotional”, (you know…we cry, rant, rave, spill our guts, talk it out) it’s our very Gift of Feminine Emotions that’s the mojo behind the empowered thoughts and actions that lead to a “HOT” Money Relationship.

Put Yourself First

How about YOU and YOUR Money Dreams?

Society often says that an “unselfish woman” puts the emotional and financial needs of her family, spouse, children, extended family and friends first as an act of love and generosity.