Romance Your Dough

The 5 Day Romance Your Dough Money Challenge!

There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost..”— Martha Graham

One of the most fun things about taking on a Money challenge is that it’s such a highly personal experience.

How you think, feel, and act about the Money challenge is a lovely expression of your authentic self….because since there’s only ONE of you in the whole world….the way you figure it out can never be replicated by anyone else.

Just as a dancer creates a dance that belongs to no one else, your talents, skills, and inspiration are what put your special mark on the Money Challenge.


What Is It?

This 5 day Money Challenge invites you to tap into your creativity.   

It’s a chance to stand outside of yourself and view your relationship to Money in a different way, an energized way, and an insightful way. Interestingly enough, your Money creativity is a gift that will always keep on giving the more you use it.

When Is It?

March 14 – 18, 2022

How Does The FREE 5 Day Money Challenge Work and What Do I Receive?

You will have access to our FREE  FB group via an app on your phone for 5 Days to support and motivate you!

You will get a 5 Day Money Moxie Plan!

You will have access to 5 tools to help you achieve more money confidence and financial savvy !

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Is This Really Necessary To Create a HOT Money Relationship

– AND –  What Are We Going To Do Exactly?

Yes. I’ve designed this  Money Challenge to help you Un-Learn the Money Myths, Money Stories, and Money Habits that you’ve outgrown and that aren’t doing you any favors. The Money Challenge allows you to ease into demystifying and releasing old Money beliefs that you don’t need.

How Much Time Will This Take?

To get the most out of this  COMPLIMENTARY program, an investment of 15 minutes is desired.

The secret of getting things done, I’ve discovered, is pretty simple,”take a small action step everyday”.

Simple, yeah, but not always easy. Especially if you truly want a HOT Money Relationship.

I believe that anybody can find 15 minutes, no matter how busy they are. If you say you can’t, that’s just an excuse. Period.

Connie Sands
Founder of Money’s the Main Squeeze!
and “Hot” Money Relationship

As the Founder and Creator of Money’s the Main Squeeze! and HOT Money Relationship, Connie Sands mentors women to radically transform their limiting beliefs around money so they can have a “Hot Money Relationship” that sets them up for a truly enriching and abundant life. With a corporate career spanning 40 years across technology, staffing and non-profit, Connie successfully used her managerial position to inspire, motivate and lead people.

As the first of six siblings born to a Mexican-American family trying to make ends meet, she had to endure a tumultuous relationship with money. In the later years, having faced several financial adversities, Connie discovered that the key to financial success was in shifting the negative emotions around it. This sparked her mission to awaken women to an exciting and fulfilling relationship with money.

Connie also holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Relations & Organizational Behavior from the University of San Francisco. In addition to being fluent in Spanish, she has a good ear for  Italian and Portuguese. Connie has given her heart to causes supporting women and children. She currently resides in San Diego, California. (More)

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